Jul 11, 2018
Interactive Data Tool
Data Tool: Measuring Hispanic Families and Households
This interactive data tool helps users understand the extent to which 22 large, mostly national surveys are equipped to measure Hispanic families and households.
To use the tool, click on one of the five icons for Family and Household Composition, Family Formation and Stability, Relationship Dynamics, Parenting Part I (parent-child activities; parent-child relationships and parenting behaviors; and parenting knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs), or Parenting Part II (fathers’ early involvement; co-parenting; and non-residential parent support and involvement with children). Within each of these sections, each row represents a data set and the columns indicate the specific topic or dimension (e.g., relationship quality). Each cell indicates whether that survey includes information about the column topic. If a cell says “NO,” then that survey does not contain information on that topic. If a cell says “YES,” the survey does include information on topic. Some cells say “EXTENSIVE” or “PARTIAL,” which indicates how much information is available on that topic. You may also use the drop-down menus on the left of each section to filter results by the availability of specific topics. At the bottom left, the Home panel will take you back to the topic selection panel.
As you scroll your mouse across the page, additional information on each cell will automatically be displayed, including the population for whom information on the topic is available, any applicable notes for that topic in that survey, and a link to the survey’s webpage.
Note: Many of the surveys reviewed include multiple waves or administrations. For cross-sectional surveys that include repeated administrations, results reflect the most recent administration at the time of the review, unless otherwise noted. For longitudinal surveys, in most cases results reflect the first wave of data collection, with a few exceptions—notably, when a topical module of interest was included in later waves. See the corresponding brief for more information on the data sets reviewed and the review methodology.